Security Overview

Security Design Overview
Are you sick of the smoke & mirrors? Are you looking for how to understand the confusion between the importance of security elements?

Welcome to one of our most valuable pages! Understanding these concepts, may change some of your ideas, approach and requirements. Our aim in publishing this page is very simple. We want to empower you to make better decisions in improving your safety, while minimising your costs. If we can help you do that, we have achieved our goal.

Please remember, this advice is of a general nature. We recommend obtaining professional advice, specific to your circumstance.


Good defense relies on interwoven elements
First things first. Let’s explain a few basics of security. You will already understand at least some of this.

Please understand, security is like a game of golf. Golf is a Game of attack and defence. It is the course designers job to defend the hole, with many purpose-built, well placed obstacles. It is the players job to position himself then attack the hole.

How many people would spectate if golf was played on an open, bitumen car park? The game’s challenge is created by the unknown diversity and spacing of obstacles designed between the tee and the hole.

The principles of design in quality security systems consider the following;

  • Who are the potential offenders?
  • What or whom are you protecting, size and value?
  • How is a breach likely or possible?
  • When are offenders likely to attack and escape?
  • Where is the security required to start and finish?
  • The obstacles used to prevent offending usually come from our 6D principles
  • Deter
  • Deny
  • Detect
  • Delay
  • Defend
  • Document
The relevance of which D’s and how to implement will depend on your Who, What, How, When, Where ?

The 6D Principles……………

1. Deter

The simplest way to defeat many wrong doers is to have them believe they have limited or no chance of success or that even if they try, the gains are not worth the risk or the cost.
How many people break into Hell’s Angels Motorcycle clubs, no matter how many expensive motorcycles there are?

A strong Visual presence almost always sends a really strong message to would be’s. The vast majority of crime, especially theft, is opportunity based. When wrong doers see an easy target, either on impulse or with little planning, they take it. Well maintained, secure fences and gates immediately send a message, even more so, if they are automated. The next blatant message to deliver is highly visible CCTV cameras. The next step up are climb resistant and energised fences. They don’t just send a message, they tell everyone, not to even think about it. Their mindset will go straight to”If that’s security outside, what’s the security like inside?”

The greater the distance between fencing and buildings, the greater the deterrent.

2. Deny

Denial occurs by making access difficult, detectable, time consuming, dangerous, painful or damaging. 

Denial will be make people seriously consider whether they can obtain access at all. Permission based access ranges from a keyed lock to electronic access control or attended guard posts, usually combining any or all of these systems.

Denial is simply that no-one shall pass, unless you have the correct credential to be permitted entry. 

The credential can be set up to be an access card, key code, Bluetooth transmission, biometric such as fingerprint, eye or facial scan, etc.. If you are programmed in for access, you’re in. If you’re not programmed for permission,………………………….Denial.

3. Detect

In the event intruders obtain unauthorised access to restricted areas, they must reliably and accurately be detected in a timely manner allowing action to be taken to delay, identify and notify within actionable time frames.

The majority of detection takes place once a system is armed and all people are intended to be out of a premises. 

We also provide recognition systems to detect unwanted visitors during occupied periods. In all cases, detection is pointless without notification. We notify exactly who you want to know of breaches via a range of notification technologies, ranging from as simple as landline or mobile connection through to automated email notification.

4. Delay

In most parts of the world, including Australia, it is not legal to establish traps to automatically detain people until arrest can be made. Many delaying methods can be used as part of an overall strategy to extend the time it takes for intruders to achieve their goals or to escape. Many delaying methods are quite effective in slowing down would be wrong doers whilst being quite inexpensive.

What is a delay? A delay is any obstacle or barrier put in place to impede the passage of a person to, or escaping from a given target area. The simplest example is a safe. Safes are not intended by their designers to be “Unbreakable”. They are designed with a time rating. A basic safe will take say 2 hours for a safe cracker to breach, a vault may be rated at 16 hours for example. The idea is that the delay caused by the safe will cause other checks, detection systems or patrols to be alerted before the breach is completed. Alternately, for a domestic or small safe, it simply may not be worth the risk of a 2 hour invasion or the intruder won’t have the skill to access the contents.

Placement of various barriers, ranging from locked doors to secured rooms, Safe rooms, safes etc around critical assets, slow the breaching process. Slowing breach time enables greater detection and response times for respondents.

5. Defend

Defence is the overall strategy to prevent risk, ranging from physical barriers such as gates, fences and locked doors, notification systems then action taken by attendants, guards or Law enforcement personnel to apprehend or arrest.

The higher the requirement for protection, the greater the number and quality of protective rings to be placed around protected assets. 

In many cases, the greatest perceived threat won’t be a targeted risk. Many people will spend very large sums to secure a particular item only to realise their greatest losses were minor thefts. It is often far more security and cost beneficial, to install perimeter security and surveillance.

6. Document

Documentation comes in all forms of information ranging from visitors sign in books to CCTV footage, intrusion detection system reports and so forth. Combined, even if the bad guys get away, this information, especially if it’s of good quality will usually assist Law enforcement to apprehend the offenders promptly. 

Detailed information will also assist investigation requirements of insurance companies in the event of a claim.

Insurance companies regard defence strategies so important, they will usually offer discounts to premiums. If you haven’t already had a discount applied, ask your insurer about security discounts.

The Key to Design

The most important element in designing a cost effective, quality, functional system is to take off the blinkers. Don’t be blinded by one new shiny thing you just bought. Be aware of the big picture. Be aware of what likely wrong doers see.

We have pages on most forms of security equipment you’re ever likely to need. Links to these pages are here for you to learn. You may manage as little or as much of your own design as you see fit.

 If you’re not comfortable planning your equipment and strategies, please ensure you take advice from people with broad understanding, skill sets and product availability. Find people who can match the best of all products and skills to your needs rather than match you to the products on their shelf.

Ironically, this is true for much of life, including your golf game!
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